2D Micro-XRF with Ultimate Speed and Accuracy The Instrument of Choice for Highl.....
Q8 MAGELLAN is the perfect symbiosis of approved and new - tradition and innovat.....
Dedicated nanomechanical test instruments, providing an essential toolkit for na.....
?FSM pioneered and commercialized the laser scanning optical lever (Optilever) t.....
M1 MISTRAL is the jewelry, coins and precious metal ideal analysis tools.
Comprehensive materials testing for mechanical and triobological properties
World’s first automated benchtop profiler with tip/tilt in the head
Itrax is a XRF scanner for split sediment cores, drill cores and other flat samp.....
Handheld XRF PMI guns provide rapid and completely nondestructive alloy identifi.....
The Large Area Micro X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Kreon Ace measuring arm is the perfect system for contact and non-contact 3D mea.....
The FSM 500TC 200mm features a patented auto dual laser technology.
Address:Room 301, 28 Songjiang Hi-tech park, 518 Xinzhuan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai